Please alert Green Run residents about the following burglaries that occurred yesterday:
Burglary Residential, occurred on 01/19/12 sometime between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. in the 1400 block of Woodbridge Trl.
Victim returned home and discovered that unknown suspect(s) forced open the front door and entered his residence. Clothes were thrown all over the floor. Neighbor states 2 B/M’s banged on her door earlier and she watched them go into the back yard but she didn’t call the police. One of the suspects was wearing a black hoodie and had dreads. The other was wearing a grey hoodie and had a pit bull. The suspect vehicle is a green 4dr, unknown make or model. Property was taken from the residence.
Burglary Residential Attempt, occurred on 01/19/12 sometime between 11:02 a.m. – 11:07 a.m. in the 3400 block of Poppy Cres.
Officers responded to an alarm and met with the key holder. The house was cleared. When the rear was checked a window was found broken with a brick.
Please urge residents to call Police immediately if they notice any suspicious activity. As you can see in the first case above, a witness noticed the two suspects going around to the backyard after banging on the door, but never called Police. Those residents that are home during the day could help us out a lot by being extra “eyes and ears” in the community. Just looking out for neighbors on their street that are gone to work during the day, calling in suspicious individuals/activity to Police, taking a drive or walk around their block and calling in anything out of place would be a huge help to us.
MPO Leta Krieger